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Listing Photo 912946
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MLS Number: 912946
Street #: 000
Address: Thompson Town Rd
City: Colquitt
List Price: $196,650
Apx Total Acreage: 39
Main Area: Other
Frontage: Road
Terrain: Level
Present Use: Timber
Property Type: Acreage
Public Remarks: Here is the perfect property just outside of Colquitt, Georgia. If you are looking for a small recreational tract, a place to build your dream home, or invest in a property with excellent development potential, this is it! The entire approximate 2150 feet of road frontage on Thompson Town Road has soils suitable for building. The view across the street to the East is a beautiful pecan orchard unlikely to change for generations. This is as close to town as you can get and still be out in country. Come check out this unique property today! There is an additional 263 acres available nearby.