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Listing Photo 912947
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MLS Number: 912947
Street #: 000
Address: Bellview Rd
City: Colquitt
List Price: $1,055,360
Apx Total Acreage: 263
Main Area: Other
Frontage: Road
Terrain: Level
Present Use: Timber, Undeveloped
Property Type: Acreage
Public Remarks: Take a look at this prime mixed use property just outside the city limits of Colquitt, Georgia. There is a tremendous deer population on this property that has not been hunted in several years. The tract is primarily in three different stands of planted timber with approximately 128 acres in mature pine, 39 acres in ten year old pine, and 80 acres in four year old pine. The remaining 16 acres is in roads and low lying wet areas. Just five minutes from downtown Colquitt, this property boasts 3300 feet of road frontage on the north side of Bellview Road and 2500 feet on the south side, with 130 feet of road frontage on Thompson Town Road. Keep all of this wildlife sanctuary surrounded by agriculture to yourself, or develop some portions and still have plenty of land for you and your friends to hunt. Don't miss out on this rare opportunity. Come view this property today! There is an additional 39 acres available nearby.